Artificial Intelligence for human good
CliniXy is a Clinical Research AI Driven platform to make real Precision Medicine, discovering biomolecular therapeutic targets.
Morphind is a Convolutional Neural Network boosted by a fuzzy logic algorithm capable of predicting sequences of aminoacids with high affinity to those targets that must be neutralized.
Clinical Research AI Driven
The only way to achive a safer and efective medicine is to determine the biomolecular element that causes a disease. This is Precision Medicine drawn by a multidisciplinary work of clinicians empowered by Artificial Intelligence through CliniXy platform.
Designing specific molecules that neutralises the reason of a disease is the goal of the Biotechnology
Based on proteomics and mutagenics, Morphind AI can predict aminoacid-based proteins that bind with high affinity to another molecule.
Applying advanced AI for Research and Devolepment is the way
Accuracy and optimization reduce the effective costs of errors and overload tasks
Join clinicians from different areas of expertise to achieve a deeper knowledge.
The researchers' work is not only intellectual property in a paper, but also patents for the pharmaceutical industry.
Technology makes possible unaffordable tasks for humans, computing and correlating information to launch hypotheses and verifying conclusions.
Each interaction with the platform is an action to achieve a medication or a treatment against diseases that cost thounsands of lives every day.
It exploits anonimously the clinical data to extract information that can be usefull for researchers. No private data is shared neither distributed to third parties.
Ixilka Research Technologies is open to collaboration and partnering.
Join us to make a better world together.